Organize Sacramento
Organize Sacramento's team of organizers provide education, training, technical assistance and consulting to equip individuals, organizers, community leaders, and their organizations to think and act strategically to produce positive results when implementing issue actions and organizing campaigns.
Sacramento Central
Labor Council
The Sacramento Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO advocates every day to improve the lives of people who work. We help people who want to join together in unions so they can bargain collectively with their employers for better working conditions and the best and safest way to get a good job done.
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement - Sacramento Chapter
The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement is a 501 (c) 5 non-profit that advances social, political and economic justice for Hispanics throughout the Americas. LCLAA’s future reflects its 37 year history as an advocacy organization empowering Latino working families.
People Working Together
PeopleWorkingTogether focuses on uniting people across all races and cultures to gain a new direction and greater purpose. They provide access to educational opportunities enabling students to develop knowledge and skills necessary to achieve professional goals, and provide leadership and service to their communities.
The Los Rios College Federation of Teachers (LRCFT) was founded in 1978 to represent faculty throughout the Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD). LRCFT represents approximately 2,500 instructors, counselors, librarians, college nurses, and program coordinators at all campuses of California’s second largest community college district!